Last week’s post about updrafts, those key moments when your New Beginning gets a major boost from a circumstance or meeting, brought one for me with wonderful Starley Murray. On the exact day for our eight-year anniversary of losing everything in the wildfires of 2007, I was invited to a super author’s event in Los Angeles. It felt like time slowed down when I got to share our story and how I use all the challenges we’ve had to help others now.
I thought you’d like to come backstage to watch it happening!
Starley was so encouraging, and reminded me to bring items that would be helpful for the audience, but also said she had a surprise in store. When I arrived I found my picture on the banner and other items there, quite a boost right now.
I love being in a room full of authors, so many of whom also have amazing stories of survival and hope they want to convey. It was thrilling to discuss the upcoming website launch, resilient life work, and different ways of reaching today’s youth and families with great fiction.
Next week, we’ll explore how you Press Through The Net, those times when some big block to your dream lands right in front of you with a delay or detour. How do you handle those moments with grace and yet not give up your deepest desire? What is the one thing you MUST have in order to succeed?
More next week!
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