I stared in disbelief as the safe-looking large white boat pulled out of the slip. Behind it, hidden from view, sat our black and gray zodiac inflatable boat. You know, the sleek one, like the military uses on secret operations. Not the kind a writer takes. Definitely not the writer who thought we were on the safe white boat with railings that just left. “Ma’am. I’ll help you in. Here’s your dry bag.” The Captain smiles his wide grin, a tooth missing on the right. I’m handed a bright red bag that locks for all my valuables. So, no cell…
Happy New Year!
Find a way to make the cleaning out more fun by bringing in your favorite inspiritions. Here’s some of mine. Favorite English movies ready to roll, check! Hot coffee from Kauai, check! Mug with resilient saying, check! Bins and collection areas ready, check! End-of-the-world picture from vacation, check! I’m ready to dig in and make plans for new chapters in life this year. Are you? I have 85 plus kids in my Silvers readers group finishing my first novel as beta readers. No nail biting allowed here, but I’m very tempted. So while I’m waiting, I’m cleaning out the old…
Gems Or Stinky Penguins? 10 Tips For A Resilient Christmas
“You’re going to love Christmas here!” One of my coworkers smiled broadly as we layered in ropes of South Sea pearls and artfully arranged displays of diamonds and broaches in the front windows. “But what you’ll remember most is that the penguins stink.” Another coworker chimed in. How right he was. When I was a gemologist in an upscale jewelry store, I not only experienced the dazzle of beautiful jewels, but our store also was situated right across from an indoor water feature. During the holidays it was filled with a display of live penguins. Let me just say, they…
Littworld Online Jewelry Story and Contest
I’m in second place so far, keep sending your friends to “like” the page if you enjoy the writer’s devotional with a royal and jewel twist! The contest continues until December 15th!
Anne’s Green Gable Hope
“When I left Queen’s my future seemed to stretch out before me like a straight road. I thought I could see along it for many a milestone. Now there is a bend in it. I don’t know what lies around the bend, but I’m going to believe that the best does.” – L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables Maybe it’s my Scottish and English heritage that stressed keeping emotions buckled in, but it really has taken some soul searching to find the right balance of understanding others and listening to God’s still, quiet voice in my life. Often it could…
Littworld Online Jewelry Story and Contest
Under the Robes This article is an entry in the MAI Devotional Writing Contest. Try your hand at a 400-word devotional to en . . . http://www.littworldonline.org/blog/2014/11/under-the-robes . . . In lieu of my regular blog this week, please visit this link for an intriguing story from my days as a gem specialist involving royals and jewels. It is also a contest, so if you like it, please press “like” with your Facebook account. With thankfulness in my heart for all the blessings in life including faith, family, hope, joy, beauty, and hugs, I wish you a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving. Bless you all!…
Lost In A Lightning Minute
Lost In A Lightning Minute. Protect your kids online with resources on my blog. It can happen so fast, guard their innocence well.
Lost In A Lightning Minute
We were innocently playing with beads that you can iron and form into different shapes. My kids made characters from a favorite game. I never thought we’d call creatures like creeper and enderman interesting art! In this game, the good and bad guys are easy to pick out. No one likes the bad guys, but they like defeating them. Then my son heard a “bing” and checked a mobile game we very occasionally let him play. It’s one that has access to group play, but we only encourage adventures with friends. Without our knowledge, he’d joined a group that looked…
Relevant and Relatable?
How do you enter into your kids’ worlds so you stay close during the topsy-turvy times of puberty? Recently I was helping my son with homework, teaching him to make a list of what he had to do, then checking off each point. He nodded, smiled at me, then went to the bottom and penciled in “fun.” “Mom, after all the work, we get to have fun, right?” That moment struck a cord in me, as I watched his braces-filled smile and remembered these moments only come once. “You bet!” I replied. So in the busy hum of every week,…
C.S. Lewis, A Great Mentor
Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become. -C.S. Lewis When I was in college, I spent one wonder-filled summer chasing after C.S. Lewis’ inspirations on a study abroad program in London and the outlying areas of England. Little did I know that the Lord was planting many seeds of inspiration for writing my own novels to encourage and entertain today’s youth. That summer, my grandfather had suddenly passed away, two weeks before…
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