Some of you have been asking about where I’ve been so I’d like to give you some updates on this week’s Thorn & Vine blog! Changes are afoot… Back in February, my husband received a new job offer in the Bay Area and as soon as school got out, we’ve been swamped with moving up here and beginning to establish basics. God has been very good to us and I can’t wait to share more soon, but it’s been a learning experience being in a small apartment and living pretty simply. We are chasing down paint samples, or something for…
Through The Friendship Storms with Author Jodie Wolfe
I have enjoyed knowing Author Jodie Wolfe for several years, after we took a writing class together with Author Jerry Jenkins and met in the Colorado mountains to share our love for words and creating stories. I can really relate to Jodie’s story today, of surviving a particularly low point after losing a key friendship. What I really appreciate was her intentional approach to learning from the situation and giving herself room to mourn and feel revived. In a world that’s all about fixing and perfectionism, her candor is refreshing and writing, and faith, is as well. I hope you’ll…
Actress Amanda McDonough’s Journey From Deafness To A Loud Voice For Change
I met Amanda McDonough when we were involved in some media work together and was truly touched and amazed (to put it mildly) by her amazing journey through deafness. Since I have a fantasy manuscript with a deaf main character I’m working on getting published, I wanted to know more about her life. When you meet her, what you’ll notice first isn’t her hearing aids or even her gorgeous smile. It’s her bright sense of vivaciousness and joy. Amanda is truly one of the most positive people I’ve met and is so authentic about her struggles and also how much…
From Bankrupt To A Servant Lifestyle
I met Author Lauren Brandenburg at an ACFW conference years ago and she’s graciously offered to share her story of how they went bankrupt as part of the Let Resilience Arise Series. Her hope is to encourage us all to look less at stuff and more at the things that matter—and find hope wherever we are on the journey. By Lauren Brandenburg We knew it was coming; we tried to prepare, but we had no idea how bad it would be. Heavily invested in real estate, in 2008 we began our descent into the hold of a crumbling economy. We…
Guest Blog Posts and Amazing April Plans
Announcements! We have an amazing array of authors covering historical, young adult, middle grade, fantasy, nonfiction, and more all participating in the #LetResilienceArise series starting next month. Get ready for some amazing moments with authors you love! April will feature Middle Grade and Young Adult Author and Lauren Brandenburg, Actress Amanda McDonough, and Author Loretta Eidson! Stay tuned for more very soon… Last week’s blog about helping friends who are hurting got a lot of attention on social media—if you’re wondering to help someone you care about, check it out HERE and share with a friend in need or group…
Let Resilience Arise Guest Blog Posts Series
Thorn & Vine Guest Blog Posts Thorn & Vine blog encourages teens, tweens, and adults in life. Designed for those who’ve encountered a serious bump in the road, the blog posts are on two separate pages and tailored for each audience. In the Let Resilience Arise series (#letresiliencearise), guest blog posts will feature authors and people with uplifting stories. Although it is an opportunity to showcase your writing and work, it’s also a special corner, and a safe place for those who hope to thrive after a difficult season. Would your story or a specific event you’ve endured help another…
How To Get Kids Interested In Writing and Reading
I’m often asked about how I helped my sons to love reading and how parents can encourage their kids to love writing. I personally think the two go hand in hand. As a corporate writer for many years, and now venturing into ideas for kids and nonfiction for adults, I’ve had exposure to some great resources I want to share with you today. In this post we’ll cover cultivating a love for reading, creative ways to use audible books, writing contests, and teen book festivals. Developing a love for reading In their younger years, I encouraged my kids to read…
The Stay and Go. Stay.
Are you at the end of the school year or a very busy season? Take time to slow down. I mean to watch the neighbor mow his yard slowly back and forth, or pick some flowers from the garden, or do a puzzle with a child in your life. Enjoying a slow-down moment does not mean you’ve compromised your dreams, or really stopped being productive. Instead, it can lend renewed perspective to what’s really important in life and what will bring you more longevity. I’m mentioning this because, of course, I’m trying to learn it myself. It’s been incredibly busy…
News And Class Awards!
Time for some fun updates before we launch into summer. And I mean launch! I’m working with the technical experts to assemble the last pieces for the new website. I’ll be sure to post about the transition as we get closer to launch. Awards announcement for my favorite classroom! I’ve been helping to teach a unit about the elements of fiction and got to work with wonderful tweens on their first stories. It’s been so rewarding and I love their enthusiasm and creativity! I especially loved seeing their progression to finish. Their teacher, Mrs. Root, is amazing too for taking…
Top 10 Favorite Tween Fantasy Books
Elizabeth Van Tassel, resilience expert and fantasy writer, in her snowiest setting of white backdrop in honor of those snowed in this week, walks you through some favorites stories for boys and girls ages ten and up, and younger ones that read above their grades. From gripping plots and great locations with S.E. Grove, amazing magic from Lissa Evans, and unbelievable dragons with Gail Carson Levine these books have many hours of fun to offer. And there’s a few you may not know yet, too. Hope you enjoy this video blog (VLOG) and let me know what books you enjoy…
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