A Recipe For Abounding Hope
A weekend of down moments punctuated with sick ones, sad news, and first my husband being far away, then my son going out of town with his class, left me a bit blue recently. My wonderful husband instantly suggested a right turn, which was so nice it felt like a day of vacation. We’ve been tackling serious topics in this blog for a while, and I thought you’d like to come on my most recent “right turn” or intentional change in direction with us.
Whenever you need a boost, try dipping your fingers into intense beauty, of vivid color, and of expansive hope.
Seeing the baskets spilling over with abundant color reinvigorates my mind.
Taking in the intensity is like sipping tart-sweet pink lemonade on a hot summer day. Or making the perfect golf swing, watching the little white ball hit its target perfectly. It loosens the creative side to enjoy life a bit more, too.
The organized greenhouse is so pleasant. Like being invited for high tea at someone’s home, where they’ve decorated the table with fine linen and china just for you, to make you feel included and special.
Rows upon rows of vivid hues make me feel I’ve entered an artist’s pallet and begun to play with the paints. Remember how great it was to roll down a grassy hill when you were a child? The purity of the flowers, the ocean breezes dancing along plucking them like strings on a harp, makes my giddy smile bubble forth.
By the end of our visit, my husband and I felt refreshed and renewed by sharing the moment together.
I’m a big believer in taking a right-turn when life gets a bit unsettled. Here’s more ideas at Seekerville if you need to be refreshed after a time of difficulty in life. http://seekerville.blogspot.com/search/label/Elizabeth%20Van%20Tassel
Check my author’s Facebook page for a video of the flower fields and experience it for yourself! https://www.facebook.com/elizabethvantassel?ref=hl
What are some of your favorite right turns?
Upcoming guest appearance: Seriously Write, this Friday
For writers and anyone who wants to share: Please come visit with me this Friday as I offer four tips to help sort the rough from the gems in sharing from the heart on the wonderful blog, Seriously Write located here: http://seriouslywrite.blogspot.com/. Would love to see your comments and thoughts, too!
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