I’ve known Rev. Misty Tyme for many years and have admired how courageous and fun she is. We’ve weathered some health scares for our husbands and life challenges over the years together, too. What I’ve admired most is her ability to forgive – and really help others let go of the most difficult moments in life – whether counseling people dealing with death and grieving, or not holding a grudge, or releasing sadness that can hamper a person’s potential in life. When she invited me on her podcast (brief video HERE and link HERE) and shared her approach, which is…
Three Steps To Create An Elegant Bridge To Summer
With wisps of scented trees, bees at work in the gardens, and projects due at school, I realized it was time to really think through what we want out of this summer. When one boy left behind kids’ shoe sizes for good, and the other sprouted whiskers, I suddenly felt the slippery slope of time racing forward a bit too fast. Can you relate? So how do you put on the brakes, without hampering your family’s progress or running up a hefty tab for summer camps? Here are three key steps to create a more satisfying and meaningful summer plan….
The Hidden Hearts
On a wonderful vacation recently I started seeing things. No, really. First, after swimming with the turtles, I was resting and taking photos when I felt one in particular might be special. Get it this direction, a little voice whispered. After I peeked at the frame, I saw why. As you gaze into the pool of water as it reflects the sky, you’ll see a shape. A heart. And its twin smiled at me through the windswept clouds as a slight drizzle began. Two hearts. The next day, on a boat tour around the island, a lush landscape came into…
Seven Ways To Put More Magic In Your Life
Are mundane tasks dominating your life and stressing your outlook? Here’s seven ways to add more magic into the everyday mixture for you and your family. Light a fire – Whether it’s a candle or a fire in the fireplace, the flickering light seems to signal something special is coming. Usually it leads to more laughter at our dinner table and loosening up for the parents, too. Turn on magical music – We often listen to a station from London broadcasting amazing classical music. Not the kind that makes you snore, but the elegant, heart-lift, gaze sparkling kind….
Let the waters recede, the gratitude grow, and the worthwhile rule
Fifth post of 10 Stress Knock-Outs For this final post in the series, I arranged to discuss perspective, and how growing more gratitude and having less guilt in your life can help to greatly reduce stress. I grew up living on a lagoon near the San Francisco Bay that would flood easily in years when El Nino really gave a fantastic show, or the pump attached to the bay went out. Instead of letting the tears flow, I’d watch as my mom would study the muddy colored waters and say, “It’s time.” Time to roll up carpets, evacuate furniture to…
Turning Up The Fun Meter In Your Life
Part three of the Stress Knock-Out Series You’re still juggling a lot and need another route to de-stress rather than watching the television or eating something you shouldn’t. To find that smile again, try turning up the fun-meter in your life. Sometimes it’s okay to completely alter your personality for a day and push pause on the responsibilities, even if only for a short while. You can totally reset the gauges that measure stress and healthfulness in your life with setting out a path to have more fun. Kids don’t mind asking for it, so why, when we grow up,…
How is your Valentine’s Day Grace?
I have this wise, old character in my story I can’t wait for you to meet. He knows just what to say and do in sticky circumstances, and always has wisdom when I need it. I find myself wishing he was here in our world this week. The big “love” holiday is upon us, yet I’m a bit shattered. Not because of unkindness of others or some life event, but I’m walking through the death of a dear friend who faced her cancer battle like a strong warrior-princess. And a friend’s home burned down. And more deaths or lives are…
A Magic Stress-Reduction Potion For Your Lifestyle
Part One of the New Year Stress Knock-Out Series You know those annoying commercials for an instant solution – they keep you company on TV late at night when sleep has whisked away and you’re trying to settle. I was thinking, what if there was a $39.99 solution to personal stress? Wouldn’t you send in two easy payments and get the widget for sale? I would! Here are three strategies to make yourself stronger and really work like a magic potion to soothe your stresses. Each comes with a risk and reward. Don’t neglect them without counting the cost. Find…
Don’t miss the Christmas whimsy
The holidays are here and elves have appeared, ballerinas dance with nutcrackers that come alive, and all kinds of stories and historical tales find renewal underneath Christmas trees and other scenes. It seems like the child’s eye of life takes over once a year, briefly, and allows us all to relax into the memories of our youth along with them. How can we capture more of those moments this Christmas season? And what is the special magic of whimsy? Whimsy gives us an opportunity to recharge our batteries. During a very challenging day, with hours at the car dealer, more…
Stolen Candy, Second Chances
Thoughts for today’s teens, and anyone needing fresh perspective. The first day of acrylic painting instructions in high school, someone ate my main project. No joking. We showed up with large canvasses, wide as I could stretch my arms. A 3×5 index card. And piles of very colorful salt-water taffy in wax-paper wrappers. Then the assignment: don’t eat the sweets, blow them up huge on the canvass! First, we glued them to the cards and made notes of the lighting so we could work on it for a few weeks. Then we carefully watched proportion and sketched the lines, shadows,…
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