We all look for a hiding place when stormy times come. Someone to keep us safe and offer help. Author Darlene Turner is a spunky, spark of delight when you first meet her, but beneath the surface has a deep, tender faith earned through rough years dealing with divorce, a husband who was secretly homosexual, and building a new future for her life. No wonder her suspenseful fiction has won so many awards – she’s turned every life lesson into great stories with a Canadian twist. I’m so grateful to share Darlene’s story with you as part of the #LetResilienceArise…
Wild Lessons Ready to Go
When we wandered into a beautiful quilt store, these bundles were all packaged, ready for someone to create a thing of beauty. Eight years ago on October, 22nd, 2007, we lost everything we owned in a wildfire that came through San Diego. More than 300 neighbors did as well and thousands others in surrounding areas from five wildfires that grew huge that week in Southern California. Ours was the Witch Creek fire. Now we’re launching a new vision for Live A Resilient Life™ with great resources for people making new beginnings. It reminds me of these quilting bundles I saw…
The Lady’s Fingerprints—A Tribute to Elisabeth Elliot
If you scratch beneath those early years, you’ll find the words of Elisabeth Elliot. Her message of relentless hope has carried so many through adversity to the other side of deeper healing. I spent part of this week looking at skeletons and footprints from Dinosaurs in a museum. It’s fascinating to realize that these animals have left an impression that’s lasted countless years. I also heard sad news of a tremendous author passing away and it made me think—what kind of fingerprint do I want to leave when I’m gone? That sea foam-green carpeting When Elisabeth Elliot came to speak…
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