Thank you for your support during an exciting year and happy new year 2020! I wanted to give an update about some neat things in the works and what will be coming in the months that follow. Upcoming and recent appearances I wrote a science/devotional about the amazing inner world of diamonds and gems for Clubhouse magazine for children with Focus on the Family, and it will be out in February, 2020! I just received this preview and have to share how rewarding it was working with the Gemology community in researching the specialty of Photomicrography – taking very detailed…
Five Tips for Jumping Back Into Writing
Five important things to remember about jumping back into writing your WIP – work in progress. Perhaps you’re a writer like me and have had some important life-interrupts that have kept you for a period of time from jumping back into your work. Instead of seeing this as a negative, it’s better to look forward and use these tips to shortcut your way back into that writing mindset. Sometimes it can feel like you’re racing snails in your writing pursuits – how do you get a wider perspective and press on while challenges or interruptions are pulling you aside? I’ve…
One little voice
Can one little voice make a difference? I hope so. Having taken pause to notice a few things in the world, and help us craft our own world a bit more after our recent move, I’m going to be fine-tuning the blog and my social media in the coming months. A force for the positive It’s been a bumpy year and I can’t thank my writing community and friends enough for your support. I’ve noticed that even the smallest gesture can make a difference – an email, a call, a positive or funny post on line. Just that one little…
Trusting The Master’s Plan with Author Edie Melson
I first got to know Edie Melson like many writers do, through her terrific website The Write Conversation, a top site for writers to learn the craft. Then I heard her story of amazing resilience while her son served in the military, and saw her encourage other families. I interviewed her for a special project benefiting wildfire victims HERE. Most recently, I’ve watched Edie’s dreams of writing fiction come to life and found such encouragement in her writing path, and how she’s always used each experience to the fullest. She is a champion for writers, but also for those who…
Summer Updates, Writing Contest, Giveaway
Some of you have been asking about where I’ve been so I’d like to give you some updates on this week’s Thorn & Vine blog! Changes are afoot… Back in February, my husband received a new job offer in the Bay Area and as soon as school got out, we’ve been swamped with moving up here and beginning to establish basics. God has been very good to us and I can’t wait to share more soon, but it’s been a learning experience being in a small apartment and living pretty simply. We are chasing down paint samples, or something for…
Through The Friendship Storms with Author Jodie Wolfe
I have enjoyed knowing Author Jodie Wolfe for several years, after we took a writing class together with Author Jerry Jenkins and met in the Colorado mountains to share our love for words and creating stories. I can really relate to Jodie’s story today, of surviving a particularly low point after losing a key friendship. What I really appreciate was her intentional approach to learning from the situation and giving herself room to mourn and feel revived. In a world that’s all about fixing and perfectionism, her candor is refreshing and writing, and faith, is as well. I hope you’ll…
Writers, Television, Podcast, and more! Summer Recap
This summer was extraordinary for Thorn & Vine, and with its launch came many opportunities to nurture the writing side of things, and also start spreading the word about resources for teens, tweens, and adults for more resilience in life. Daytime at Nine I was honored to share a snapshot of our experience as wildfire survivors as well as tips to thrive in times of adversity on Fox News San Antonio. Here’s the interview! One of the special connections I made was with author Pam Vredevelt who helps people find a path from losing children. She is such a…
News And Class Awards!
Time for some fun updates before we launch into summer. And I mean launch! I’m working with the technical experts to assemble the last pieces for the new website. I’ll be sure to post about the transition as we get closer to launch. Awards announcement for my favorite classroom! I’ve been helping to teach a unit about the elements of fiction and got to work with wonderful tweens on their first stories. It’s been so rewarding and I love their enthusiasm and creativity! I especially loved seeing their progression to finish. Their teacher, Mrs. Root, is amazing too for taking…
Top 10 Favorite Tween Fantasy Books
Elizabeth Van Tassel, resilience expert and fantasy writer, in her snowiest setting of white backdrop in honor of those snowed in this week, walks you through some favorites stories for boys and girls ages ten and up, and younger ones that read above their grades. From gripping plots and great locations with S.E. Grove, amazing magic from Lissa Evans, and unbelievable dragons with Gail Carson Levine these books have many hours of fun to offer. And there’s a few you may not know yet, too. Hope you enjoy this video blog (VLOG) and let me know what books you enjoy…
Wandering in Tomorrowland
We were walking through Disneyland and began to notice ladies and gentlemen dressed in period clothing. They looked very nice. Suddenly, I glanced all around and it was like being on the movie set for Tomorrowland with lots of hats, heels, and poofy skirts, too. We had inadvertently visited during Dapper Days and it was like taking a time-warp back to the 1950s or 60s. Here’s some of the best photos! By now we really felt immersed in a story, a new one melding Disney and a snapshot of time. It was beautiful! Now, there was a dark side….
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