Fairy Tales at Once Upon A Time
If you love fairy tales, here’s a wonderful exhibit coming up at the Bowers Museum for kids, called Kidseum, in Orange County, California. Pretend you’re in the book Anasi and the Talking Melon, or play a harpsichord in Beauty and the Beast. Then turn a corner, and it the Cinderella coach and a slide that looks like a castle and Jack and the Beanstalk, and more. It starts April 16th and run for the summer through August 28, 2016. For more information, see the website here.

Chinese Gardens at Huntington Library in Pasadena
Right now the Chinese gardens are all in bloom. Wonderful scents trail through cherry-blossom trees and a gorgeous installation at the Huntington Library. Our family visited recently (check our VLOGs HERE) and we loved walking the trails, visiting the historic exhibits and walking through the grand house. The new restaurant near the visitor’s center is great, too. Click HERE.

Make Your Own Writing Challenge
I recently read a super article about starting your stories, based on The 22 Rules Of Storytelling, According to Pixar. Who better to bring visual delight to your ideas? Make your own challenge using their terrific tips, including great tips in the article: Find the articlehere featuring gems of wisdom by Pixar storyboard artist Emma Coats, compiled by Cyriaque Lamar.

New Releases
Young Adult
Middle Grade
Jewelry Discovery
Gemolugue with Lisa Urla has wonderful reviews of gems throughout the world. Her Instagram account is amazing and filled with gem delights and coaching on how to buy everything from emeralds to pearls. Plus her international flare is so refreshing. You can find Gemologue at http://gemologue.com.

About the author:
Elizabeth Van Tassel, resiliency expert and fantasy writer, has really lived a life with diamonds, wildfires, and miracles. A wildfire survivor and gemologist, she winds tales of wondrous gems and destructive loss into fantastic fantasy for the next generation and beyond. She also speaks, gives classes, and blogs weekly for adults and kids about living a resilient life. Follow her for updates about her writing life, and more. HERE
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