I wanted to share some good news and thank you all for your prayers and support the last several months especially! As some of you know, I’ve been working on fundraisers for a dear author friend who lost her home and wellness to mold poisoning. As a wildfire survivor who’s had to rebuild her own life, I couldn’t just sit by and watch as Mary Weber and her family dealt with so much (more background HERE). So, I reached out to friends and over time we built a big team—and the team has just done something AMAZING. It has been…
Writing Resources During Covid Virus Quarantine
Writing Resources During Covid Virus Facing this unique moment in time in productive and hopeful communities February began with me typing much of my second book in the hospital with my father recovering from a difficult fall and hip surgery. I literally drove home from a week with my parents to try and find toilet paper and supplies as things worsened due to the virus. At the time of writing this, it’s more than eight weeks since Covid Virus stay-at-home began for my husband and I and our two teen boys in Northern California. We are doing okay so far,…
Five Tips for Jumping Back Into Writing
Five important things to remember about jumping back into writing your WIP – work in progress. Perhaps you’re a writer like me and have had some important life-interrupts that have kept you for a period of time from jumping back into your work. Instead of seeing this as a negative, it’s better to look forward and use these tips to shortcut your way back into that writing mindset. Sometimes it can feel like you’re racing snails in your writing pursuits – how do you get a wider perspective and press on while challenges or interruptions are pulling you aside? I’ve…
Story comes to life at Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge in Disneyland
Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge in Disneyland When I was a tween the original Star Wars debuted and we stood in line in the hot sun for two hours to see it opening weekend, then stayed for three showings with my father and brother. It was so magical. I remember my younger brother playing with the action figures under the Christmas tree. We were all drawn into the story. As a college student, I competed nationally one summer for a marketing/public relations internship with Lucasfilm and got to see the amazing ranch in my hometown of Marin, California. It was thrilling….
Favorite Reads of 2018
The Not-To-Miss Books, Great Gift Ideas, and Favorite Reads for Middle Graders I’m so excited to share some of my favorite reads to add to your Christmas list for boys and girls ages eight to thirteen years. One of my pet peeves is hearing parents at school say their kids don’t like to read. I think, really, they may just not have found their niche. My favorite ones are fantasy, comedy, mysteries, and historical fiction. I’ll highlight some series with new releases and favorites in this blog post so you can shop for your kids this holiday season. Ahoy, Pirates!…
How Huey Lewis Taught Me The Art Of Possibility
Recently I read that Huey Lewis, a great rock star with songs like “The Power of Love” from Back to the Future, “I Want A New Drug”, and “If This Is It” that were especially popular in the ‘80s, has suffered extensive hearing loss. I was remembering how he impacted my high school and early college years, hoping he recovers well. A dream come true When I was in high school, I wrote a letter thanking him for his great music and message (against drugs) and somehow, miraculously, it actually made it to him! I had seen him in town and…
Great Adventurous Reads For Middle Grade – 2017
Great adventurous holiday reads for stocking stuffers! Recently I was walking out of a school and I overheard some moms lamenting the fact that there’s “so little good fiction for middle grade.” I’ll bet my eyes bugged out a bit since I write upper middle grade fantasy and love to read super adventures. “All my son will read is about underpants or gross comedy.” They’re really missing out. Since I know of some wonderful books, and great authors, and perhaps you’re looking for a fun book to read or recommend to a friend who’s a tween or teen, here’s some…
When The Prodigal Son Visits with Author and Screenwriter Jennifer Dornbush
Jennifer Dornbush is a bit dazzling when you first meet her. Then you find out she’s a specialist in death. Whoa. And she knows how to investigate crime scenes and has consulted on TV and film dramas. When I met Jennifer, it was over breakfast at a conference far from home. All I knew at first was we were both Californians. Then I became fascinated at her specialty and have watched her career and books with great interest. As a resilience expert, I really connected with how she doesn’t back off from exploring challenging characters with tough circumstances in her…
How To Get Kids Interested In Writing and Reading
I’m often asked about how I helped my sons to love reading and how parents can encourage their kids to love writing. I personally think the two go hand in hand. As a corporate writer for many years, and now venturing into ideas for kids and nonfiction for adults, I’ve had exposure to some great resources I want to share with you today. In this post we’ll cover cultivating a love for reading, creative ways to use audible books, writing contests, and teen book festivals. Developing a love for reading In their younger years, I encouraged my kids to read…
Sherry Kyle and The Girl’s Guide to Life
When you were a tween, wouldn’t you have loved having a road map to help with the twists and turns of puberty? Sherry Kyle is a wonderful author I met at ACFW a couple of years ago. When I saw her new book called The Girl’s Guide to Life, I loved the cover and wanted to know more. The sage wisdom is presented effortlessly in a fun format for girls. Here’s an excerpt from our interview: What inspired you to begin to write and specifically about your most recent book, The Girl’s Guide to Life? When my kids were small,…
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