The holidays are here and elves have appeared, ballerinas dance with nutcrackers that come alive, and all kinds of stories and historical tales find renewal underneath Christmas trees and other scenes. It seems like the child’s eye of life takes over once a year, briefly, and allows us all to relax into the memories of our youth along with them.
How can we capture more of those moments this Christmas season? And what is the special magic of whimsy?
Whimsy gives us an opportunity to recharge our batteries.
During a very challenging day, with hours at the car dealer, more hours driving kids to activities, handling house needs, and squeezing in work, I had twenty minutes to stop in a favorite holiday store. It immediately took me from bedraggled, to amused, to joyful. What happened?
Like many other moms, I’m busy trying to make my children’s dreams come true while ensuring they are safe and growing into their potential. What looks like a normal minivan is actually the family’s magic carpet for adventure. But if the driver is exhausted, it’s not fun for anyone. Even if it’s just ten minutes, a little touch of Christmas whimsy — seeing a little gnome or Santa Claus or twirling fairy on a tree — helps me recover the ability to smile and not forget a world of sweetness. A moment of reflection helps me be fluid, like swimming laps in the water.
Whimsy brings a gust of fresh spring air to tired winter hearts.
Sometimes you have to wear so much armor, like an ancient warrior of old, just to fend off the enemies of the day. To stay employed, to put food on the table, to advocate for someone weaker in your life who needs strength, to give wisdom and remember the bigger picture during a challenge. To remember to love, sometimes from a place of will, when exhaustion’s knocking at the door. The ability to have a little moment with a sprite, or magical creature, or fanciful story acts like a cup of coffee. It makes me remember to smile and slow down to enjoy the moment and preciousness of every day.
Whimsy can help you find the front-door to faith so don’t miss it this season.
There’s an innate ability in all of us to want to dream, to succeed, and to learn from mistakes so they don’t get repeated. When you momentarily consider a beautiful memory dotted with great food, laughter, or a fun setting, it lifts your mood. It gives you room to forgive others, to accept their shortcomings if they’ve changed. And to remember others are more important than our own agendas.
How are you going to keep giving without hitting that breaking point this season? Taking a moment with laughter, or a good movie, or a fun book to separate yourself can help remind you that you aren’t defined by the challenges in life. Instead, you have the same magic inside to refocus, give love from a place of hope, and bring smiles to the loved ones in your life.
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