Tea in the Garden
Come join me for a little check-in about life and springtime and laying the groundwork for dreams to grow.
I’ve been thinking a lot about springtime, since we’ve enjoyed a few walks in a gorgeous local historic garden and my flowers at home are in bloom. It’s time to shed the jackets and umbrellas after a very wet and unusual winter in Northern California.
And I’ve also been remembering what it felt like to be an almost-teen during this time of year as it led into summer. I distinctly remember the feeling of braces (three and a half years, ugh) pressing on my lips and trying to awkwardly smile through a bunch of metal. One time they were turned so tightly, it would pick up radio waves, just for a week. I’d feel the vibration and hear the tune in my ears. Just like the character on the show Trollhunters, except it really happened. Wild.
I’ve been using the time of waiting, while my novel is on submission, to plant bulbs of possibility that may rise up and create something pretty. An article idea finally pursued. Gemology interest in science articles explored anew. Outlining ideas for my next novel in the series. Thinking of a new approach to YouTube topics. And working with great tech people to revamp the innards of the website so it runs more efficiently (launch coming soon). It’s all things you may not notice at first, like a bulb just peeking out of the ground ready to declare spring “arrived.” And perhaps, these small moves could hold very important moments of potential.
If I neglect the website, well, not good. Those ideas left in a drawer forever will never help or entertain anyone. The second book will not write itself. And I itch to create. To become. To go to that special playground where ideas and possibilities can do anything. Like a gardener, I’m tending to the smaller bits and pieces to make it all come together well. And like the orthodontics, one day there will be such a smile in store.
One of my sons is in a performing musical group that travels and competes. Each year, they begin with raw talent and music arranged by talented people. It takes months of preparation and physical work to achieve the great show and create…All the pieces suddenly clicking and the smiles on the kids’ faces say it all. We did it!
I want to be able to say I did it too! So, you may notice some space between blog posts as we transition hopefully in the next two months to the new website which will appear similar in some ways, and work better in others. It’s like a massive tune-up. I’ll be posting links as they go live to other guest writing for blogs, and I can’t wait to cue up some fun giveaways I’ve had just ready for the right time. I’ve learned so much at recent conferences, too, and loved connecting with other people who love words.
If you have any requests for the new website please leave a comment here or connect on my social media links. Let’s make every moment count, find a corner with some beauty, and smile an unfettered grin to others who may need a lift along the way.
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