Today I’m guest blogging at the wonderful blog to encourage writers, Seriously Write. My thanks to Dawn Kinzer for inviting me to share tips on how to share gems from your heart about being resilient in difficult times, without sharing the “rough.” Come join me there!
Littworld Online Jewelry Story and Contest
Under the Robes This article is an entry in the MAI Devotional Writing Contest. Try your hand at a 400-word devotional to en . . . . . . In lieu of my regular blog this week, please visit this link for an intriguing story from my days as a gem specialist involving royals and jewels. It is also a contest, so if you like it, please press “like” with your Facebook account. With thankfulness in my heart for all the blessings in life including faith, family, hope, joy, beauty, and hugs, I wish you a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving. Bless you all!…
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