As summer rapidly approaches, we’ve got great ideas to break up any boredom that tries to creep in. Feel free to print these and give them to your parents, adding your own ideas too.
Get out your cooking gear. There are great pretzel-making kits on the baking aisle of most stores. Joey had fun making a whole vignette of a cannon exploding a jailhouse with his! Make a fun story about it while it’s baking and then eat it with friends.

Pick those lemons. If you’ve got some lemons growing in your garden, make homemade lemonade! Or for a new twist, try making sorbet for the hot days coming up soon. Here’s a link to Food Network, we liked their recipe and you can adjust the intensity of the taste too. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/l/le/lemon-sorbet
Write a poem or short story and enter a writing contest. Here’s a great one going on now and the prizes are amazing tech! https://heretohelplearning.com/writing-contest/
Be Tacky – well get your glue on! Make some slime or fun play dough recipes. Invite some friends over and have a creativity contest. My favorite were always the ornaments you can bake and paint – you can make it now and it’s a great Mother’s Day gift too! One tween friend makes slime and sells it to her friends at school for some quick cash.

Go to a pottery shop and paint something fun for a couple of hours. Give it away or start a collection. I saw a great artist copying her favorite Disney characters onto mugs last time we went!
Find something pretty to stare at – Whether it’s a garden or a museum with art, take a “right turn” and go see something with beauty at the heart. Whether it’s seeing history come alive recently on the USS Midway – to seeing Monet’s paintings and Elizabeth Taylor’s stunning jewelry up close, it really is inspiring!

Find a new author to love – there are many great book reviewers on YouTube – start with my friend Sara Ella, who writes YA romance! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz5T9Tp6cXUAHro86jpflww
Refurbish your wardrobe or bedroom with great ideas from Cherry Blossom Chronicles! http://www.laurataylornamey.com/blog/
Fore! Play some golf or putt-putt! I’ll bet you haven’t done this in ages and we did recently and It was so fun, even got a hole in one.

Check out a new science exhibit. We’ve been to some neat ones recently in San Diego and other areas. You learn all about history and we’ve had fun doing everything from walking through a house made of tape – yes – to using space jet packs to float to seeing inside a computer chip – Do your research and get out!
Let me know what you love to do, too!

[ctt template=”11″ link=”a032y” via=”no” ]Great ideas for summer fun for your teens and tweens! [/ctt]
Next month, the #LetResilienceArise series continues, with posts for adults and kids too!
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