Do you have a special place where the best of today’s life intersects with new possibilities?
I drafted this after visiting my parents recently at the home where I grew up. They have a wonderful, huge picture window that looks out over a waterway. As a child I used to press my cheek against the cool glass so I could peer high up to bright stars or see a full moon shining on the waves outside. I felt like I could practically walk out on the water and reach up to the moon itself, while being nestled comfortably inside near a heater, warm and safe. In those midnight moments, the little butterflies of dreams would gently, gingerly float outside of my secret wishes and I’d utter a small prayer for how to think about things in life. My childhood thoughts took root under the moonbeams on that windowsill. It’s fun to write this now, remembering the dreams I had, and yearning to burst forth with new resolve in life.
In our life in Southern California, the photo above is a favorite corner near where I’ve worked on writing projects and am taking golf lessons now. For me, it’s a similar intersection with that safe-haven feeling to it, with new dreams of hobbies and laughter with family and friends on the breezes.
It’s so very critical to have a little corner tucked away where you can go and be still and let the dreams in life bubble forth. You can’t effectively reach forward with new hope and renewed potential without first stopping and just listening to the tender strings of hope being plucked on your heartstrings. Life gets way too busy and hectic. Without pausing to let stillness give you room to listen, you can’t gain the perspective necessary to really find your calling. This is especially true if you’ve recovered from a bumpy season and are striking forth in a new direction.
So, what does your corner look like?
I hope you’ve got a few of them—maybe a quiet coffee shop, or a nook in your kitchen. But as long as you can be still, and let your creativity drive you toward your greatest potential, new hope can rise and bring forth the best in life once more.
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