Thorn & Vine blog features three key areas to ramp-up your new year dreams and reenergize your family during this first quarter of 2017. Life 101 has tips for living well and intentionally with your choices and planning. Life Stories dives deep with books and inspiring stories of resilience. And in A Beautiful Life, you’ll find places and items to dazzle and delight your hunt for simple joys in life.

Life 101
I’ve turned to some home remedies for help this fall and winter, both with health and outlook. From simplifying our household using time and money-saving processes, to dealing with the common cold, I’ll share what’s foolproof, even for the more creative spirit that would rather dream than be practical, but after all, must be realistic. I’ve included insights from writing colleagues about how to balance tough challenges and not give up the whimsy in life. I’ve been asked how we pray through the difficult seasons, so will share some of my favorite ideas for connecting with God and praying amidst them. The teen and tween blogs will feature the launch of Everland YouTube channel which covers tricky and funny items from getting your first phone, to treating friends right. Can’t wait to share this with you all!

Life Stories
Can you imagine waking up one morning and being totally deaf? Then undergoing months of surgeries and therapies, only to have your progress stolen by car accidents and other challenges? I’ve never met someone so upbeat with a happy attitude about life as this month’s inspiring interview with wonderful deaf actress, Amanda McDonough. She shares her story of dealing with losing her hearing and becoming an advocate in film and media on shows like ABC’s Switched At Birth and NBC’s Bad Judge. And she gives insights about her upcoming book that tells her story too.

I met Pam Vredevelt when we were both on Fox News in 2016 for a segment entitled Triumph over Tragedy. She has dealt bravely and faithfully with the issues of losing a child, miscarriage, and special needs children. Her infectious smile and warmth really drew me in. She is so good at facing a very tender topic with a beautiful story of when she learned not to suppress her loss, but instead to let God walk with her in the valley. Now she uses these experiences to help other mothers in need to find their way once more.

A Beautiful Life
The first quarter will feature several great jewelers from Carmel and other locations to dazzle and show creativity and you’ll get to see inside the Gemological Institute of America’s exhibits and training areas. During these chilly months, we’re also featuring some great art and military exhibits to consider, aquarium tours hosted by my son Joey from a kid’s perspective, and even a visit to Focus on the Family’s headquarters to show you around in person.

Visit my post on author Loretta Eidson’s website to learn how to handle tricky conversations with someone who’s walking through a season of loss. I’ve got some quick tips for what NOT to say and what will bring healing during those moments HERE.

What are you most excited about in 2017? What are your challenges coming up? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. And please remember our contest for Amazon gift cards is through the end of this month. Simply sign up for the blogs and newsletters to be emailed on the home page HERE to be entered!
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