Jennifer Dornbush is a bit dazzling when you first meet her. Then you find out she’s a specialist in death. Whoa. And she knows how to investigate crime scenes and has consulted on TV and film dramas. When I met Jennifer, it was over breakfast at a conference far from home. All I knew at first was we were both Californians. Then I became fascinated at her specialty and have watched her career and books with great interest. As a resilience expert, I really connected with how she doesn’t back off from exploring challenging characters with tough circumstances in her…
Safe In His Embrace with Author Darlene Turner
We all look for a hiding place when stormy times come. Someone to keep us safe and offer help. Author Darlene Turner is a spunky, spark of delight when you first meet her, but beneath the surface has a deep, tender faith earned through rough years dealing with divorce, a husband who was secretly homosexual, and building a new future for her life. No wonder her suspenseful fiction has won so many awards – she’s turned every life lesson into great stories with a Canadian twist. I’m so grateful to share Darlene’s story with you as part of the #LetResilienceArise…
Reflections through Rebuilding with Author Kathleen Freeman
I met Kathleen Freeman through ACFW and have reveled in her positive attitude, wit, and humor in writing circles. When we began to spend more time together at conferences, I realized her personal story had circles of depth, like rings in a tree, where she’d chosen to learn from very tough situations and chose to persevere once again. She is definitely an expert at rebuilding, in many kinds of circumstances, which I appreciate as a wildfire survivor. I hope you’ll be encouraged by her very open sharing here in your own journey to continue building hope and faith into the…
Trust In The Shattered Moments with Author Lindsay Franklin
I first met author Lindsay Franklin through some friends who love great fantasy and science fiction, and love writing it too. Lindsay is so funny and witty on line, and when I heard her story as a teen mom and stresses from raising a special needs child that would have shattered many people, I wanted to know more. To go deep. I’m so excited to introduce you to her today as part of the #LetResilienceArise series and I hope her story will encourage you too. And I’m waiting slightly impatiently for her two books coming out soon! By Lindsay Franklin…
Through The Looking Glass of Loss and Miscarriage with Author Pam Vredevelt
I met Pam Vredevelt while filming a television segment on overcoming tragedies (HERE), and was so touched by her work with young mothers who’ve suffered a loss. After a couple of friends recently lost children, I kept thinking how difficult this Mother’s Day would be for them. Even if you have other children, sometimes the whispers of what would have been tug at your heartstrings uncontrollably. I know they did for me when we lost our baby, and it was hard to find people who could understand. But then many women started sending me emails of sympathy, sharing their own…
Author Amy Brock McNew’s Journey From Tornadoes To Peace In The Storm
I met Amy Brock McNew through writing friends and was thrilled to sit next to her during lunch at an ACFW conference. In that crowded restaurant in Nashville, seated at a long table filled with enthusiastic writers, Amy huddled over her phone and looked very worried. I asked what was going on and she was waiting to see if her step daughter was all right after a second tornado struck her community, and crushed the Starbucks where she was inside. I’ll never forget Amy’s heart for her family and we all stopped right there to pray for them all to…
Author Loretta Eidson’s Journey from Depression to Deep Healing
When I met author Loretta Eidson at an ACFW conference a few years ago, I discovered we both had completed Jerry Jenkins’ writing courses. I knew she was special and her sweet southern drawl and joyful smile immediately drew me in. And she was so funny, too! But it wasn’t until much later, when our writing friendship deepened over time, that I knew of the dark moments she’d endured as a mother of a son who’d made bad decisions that cost him years in prison. I asked Loretta to share her story of faith and decision to persevere through depression…
From Bankrupt To A Servant Lifestyle
I met Author Lauren Brandenburg at an ACFW conference years ago and she’s graciously offered to share her story of how they went bankrupt as part of the Let Resilience Arise Series. Her hope is to encourage us all to look less at stuff and more at the things that matter—and find hope wherever we are on the journey. By Lauren Brandenburg We knew it was coming; we tried to prepare, but we had no idea how bad it would be. Heavily invested in real estate, in 2008 we began our descent into the hold of a crumbling economy. We…
Guest Blog Posts and Amazing April Plans
Announcements! We have an amazing array of authors covering historical, young adult, middle grade, fantasy, nonfiction, and more all participating in the #LetResilienceArise series starting next month. Get ready for some amazing moments with authors you love! April will feature Middle Grade and Young Adult Author and Lauren Brandenburg, Actress Amanda McDonough, and Author Loretta Eidson! Stay tuned for more very soon… Last week’s blog about helping friends who are hurting got a lot of attention on social media—if you’re wondering to help someone you care about, check it out HERE and share with a friend in need or group…
Insights From The California Desert Super Bloom
Searching for the super blooms sounded like a great adventure, and we settled in for a long, scenic drive ready to see the transformation we’d heard so much about in the California desert. As we approached Anza Borrego Springs, the mountainous terrain changed to rocky high hills dotted with cactus and rams romping on the hills. We rounded the corner, and while the temperature climbed about twenty degrees, traffic slowed to a crawl, all of us with the same intent. After at least seven years of drought, and with the most rain in over 20 years, the desert was said…
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