Thorn & Vine Guest Blog Posts Thorn & Vine blog encourages teens, tweens, and adults in life. Designed for those who’ve encountered a serious bump in the road, the blog posts are on two separate pages and tailored for each audience. In the Let Resilience Arise series (#letresiliencearise), guest blog posts will feature authors and people with uplifting stories. Although it is an opportunity to showcase your writing and work, it’s also a special corner, and a safe place for those who hope to thrive after a difficult season. Would your story or a specific event you’ve endured help another…
Situational Forgiveness and Podcast with Rev. Misty Tyme
As a survivor of losing every possession and our home in a wildfire, I sometimes get to share my story with others who have a special heart for helping hurting families. Recently I was asked to share some insights about situational forgiveness by Rev. Misty Tyme on her podcast. (Link here: Situational Forgiveness). We hit all the biggies, what it was like to evacuate, and how to find a path for forgiveness for self, others, and even God in the midst of stark tragedy. I was very open about how people treated us, both good and bad, and how we…
Coming Attractions!
It’s going to be a few more weeks before the launch date is announced, but this week I’m taking a brief break for a video blog with hints about what you can expect. And if you subscribe now to my website, BEFORE the launch, there will be additional benefits with the upcoming giveaways. Oops, well, one hint already! Next week we’ll continue the New Beginnings Series, focusing on waiting for your updraft. For the original series blog, check Five Tips for a Resilient Fall HERE. So what part of the series have you been working on so far? Outlining your…
Guest Blogging At Seriously Write!
Today I’m guest blogging at the wonderful blog to encourage writers, Seriously Write. My thanks to Dawn Kinzer for inviting me to share tips on how to share gems from your heart about being resilient in difficult times, without sharing the “rough.” Come join me there!
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