A Recipe For Abounding Hope A weekend of down moments punctuated with sick ones, sad news, and first my husband being far away, then my son going out of town with his class, left me a bit blue recently. My wonderful husband instantly suggested a right turn, which was so nice it felt like a day of vacation. We’ve been tackling serious topics in this blog for a while, and I thought you’d like to come on my most recent “right turn” or intentional change in direction with us. Whenever you need a boost, try dipping your fingers into intense…
Can Fantasy Teach Good Lessons?
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ObaHCXJ5y0&w=560&h=315] Today I’m sharing five reasons to encourage your child’s imagination. I’ve just finished writing the first in a gem adventure series for kids, and I often get asked why I wrote it. For me, having survived real emergencies like a wildfire and medical traumas with my family, I’m all for a great story with a good premise. We’ve lived direct application of each of these five reasons. Testing boundaries safely Fantasy provides a safe arena to test boundaries and find out what kids really believe. In a world where things like gravity or flowers don’t operate the same…
Five Tips For Raising Resilient Readers
This week I’m sharing ideas from a new series called Resilient Parenting and giving you a preview from my new YouTube channel. I hope you’ll subscribe and be part of the conversation about resilience there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11GIBtS0D-I With two sons reading three to seven levels above their grades, I’m often asked how I got them to like reading. It’s true, sometimes my kids can be found reading books, into the car or walking into walls at home. So, beyond reading to them as little ones, how did we do it? Here’s five tips to help. 1. Rotating Library: When they were…
Unexpected Hero—Gilbert Blythe, actor Jonathan Crombie
In our modern society, I hear parents that encourage their kids to read books about vampires and edgy topics to help their daughters learn how to be treated by a man. “I know the blood is terrible, but the relationship is so wonderful. That’s what she needs.” Is this really the best we can do as parents? This week a wonderful actor, Jonathan Crombie, passed away suddenly. In his younger years he played Gilbery Blythe on the Anne of Green Gables series. His character was so memorable for his pursuit of the red-headed smart girl, and quiet courage, and funny…
Anne’s Green Gable Hope
In honor of the actor who played Gilbert on Anne of Green Gables, Jonathan Crombie, I’m re-posting this blog. So sorry to hear of his sudden passing. Think of the joy and hope he brought to so many. Wishing comfort for his family now and renewed inspiration for us all from his work left behind.
Are You A Bit Unhinged?
Unfortunately, sudden crises or unexpected traumas are a part of life. A child needs medical attention. A friend wants extra support. Your finances require retuning. Clutter becomes an unwanted guest. The car falls apart at an intersection. Death comes knocking and decisions need to be made. So, what do you do when life throws a significant, unwanted curve ball? What if you try to open a door, and it comes right off the wall? In that moment, do you panic? Do you know how to get immediate resources and parse through key decisions? I confess, this is an area I…
Captivating Resilience
Part Five of the Lockout Series Moving into Freedom’s Fullness Every morning, a sweet hummingbird greets the day from the branches of our backyard plum tree. He is faithful to protect his territory. He is elegant in his stance, high above his grounds. He never leaves his watchfulness to others. He protects his domain from predators and keeps his mate in safety. He enjoys sweet delights and plays well. He is beautiful to watch, with his bright red throat and sweeping gestures. To me, he is resilient. It is both deeply centering and challenging to watch his dance in and…
Escape the Quicksand of Heartache
What is heartache? I’d define it as that sinking feeling when a difficult topic arises with a friend. It can be connected to relationships or experiences, but it’s that quicksand of loss and hurt that surrounds you when the topic or person comes up. So how do you transform your emotions after a season of loss? Let’s review the first three steps of this Lockout Series. First, look in your lockout, or virtual emotional storage unit, and see if there’s anything lurking in corners that needs to be dealt with. Discover your areas that need focus and attention. Second, discern…
Lay Down Old Luggage
Part Three of the Lockout Series It’s spring so perhaps you’ve been tidying up as we have in the corners that grow stacks like bunnies and need a fresh approach. It’s a continual struggle for me, this rearming, refocusing, and getting rid of things. I’ve spent time recently sorting out, yet more to go, but I don’t want to miss an opportunity because I’m holding onto something it’s time to part with, and hopefully help someone else along the way. I once heard a speaker talking about the best ways to help others. He described how impossible it is to…
Are You A Double Agent?
Part Two of the Lockout Series When I say the word “undercover” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For me, it’s secret agents, or double agents. I like spy movies and intrigue. But here’s a tricky thought: are you your own double agent when it comes to dealing with trials? Are you improving over time or remaining paralyzed in pain? If you stuff down rather than press through, you may have secretly, stealthily been hampering your own progress. How’d a double agent get here? When you’re going through a rough time, sometimes you and your loved ones are…
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